Monday, January 30, 2012

Invitation Cards - DONE!!

So many progress within one week!!! Wihiiiii, undangan sudah jadi hari Jumat. Service yang memuaskan dari I Creation, responnya cepet sekali. 
Pertama adalah segala revisi-revisi yang super banyak dari Papa itu selalu direspon dalam waktu kurang dari 5 jam deh. Tapi dari Papa yang emang balesnya lagi lama. 
Kedua, ucapan terima kasih. Well, ini bukan kesalahan mereka sih sebenernya. Kita memang gak ngomong secara spesifik ucapan terima kasihnya mau kayak gimana, dimensinya seberapa. Pas diterima, maak ucapan terima kasihnya kegedean, gak masuk ke dalam box souvenir guee. Panik attack, Ibu Suri telfon Tante Anita (the owner), dan beliau bilang oke deh kasih contoh aja maunya seperti apa. Besokannya supir anter contoh beserta ucapan yang salah ke I Creation,  dalam beberapa jam udah bisa diambil itu ucapan terima kasih yang baru. As simple as that, gak pake tuh Tante Anita protes-protes segala macem. Padahal kalo mau kena extra charge kita juga pasrah aja sih, toh emang salah kita.
Ketiga, finishing undangan. Tante Anita inform kalo undangan selesai hari Jumat. Beliau menanyakan apakah mau diambil atau dianter. Kalo dianter diminta agar pembayaran diselesaikan dulu. Jumat sekitar jam 3-an pembayaran baru diselesaikan (via transfer). Saya inform Tante Anita, dan minta agar undangan bisa dianter ke rumah hari Sabtunya. Ternyata, Jumat malem pas nyampe rumah, udah ada 9 box gede gede yang berisikan undangan-undangan itu. Bagaimana hasilnya? Apakah semuanya rapih? Jujur, nggak tau! Hahahaha. Yang jelas saya baru ambil 2 undangan (dari dus yang sama pula), dan keduanya rapih sih. Tapi masih terlalu males untuk QC hasil undangan hehehe.

Rasanya gimanaa gitu yah pas undangan udah diterima. Agak aneh ngeliat nama sendiri tercetak di undangan. Bercampur seneng juga ngeliat hasil sesuai keinginan. Excited juga. Ada sedikit ketakutan juga. Intinya: woww, it's getting real now. I'm getting married. Well, mudah-mudahaan semuanya lancar dan tidak mengalami cobaan-cobaan yang sulit dihadapi. Aamiin :)

Undangan tampak depan, bludru motif damask plus amplop mika

undangan tampak dalam, isi lembaran2 itu sesuai dengan keperluan acara : siraman-midod, akad, resepsi. Note: setelah berpuluh2 kali revisi, final edition Papa mengganti surat ar-rum dengan doa Nabi Muhammad SAW pas menikahkan anaknya, di sebelah kiri itu.

Lembaran isi tampak lebih dekat
Yak itu dia undanganku, udah sempet fotoin kemaren pake kamera seadanya (baca: BB). Undangannya sebenernya super simpel sih, tapi tetep ajaa seneeng gitu ngeliatnya. Yah ini sih subyektif yah, namanya juga undangan dengan nama kita di dalamnya, pasti seneng lah yaaa :)

Prewedding - DONE!!

Alhamdulillaaah, satu lagi tugas besar terselesaikan sudah. Ini memang ditunda-tunda karena ceritanya mau diet dulu. Kenyataannya? Nonsense!!! Boro-boro diet, kayaknya malah gendutan sejak lamaran huhuhu.
Well, gak usah diperpanjang deh hehehe.

Prewed session dilaksanakan hari Minggu, 29 Januari 2012. Ternyataa, capek yaaah. Tapi seneng sih pas sekilas lihat hasil-hasilnya langsung dari kameranya Mas Timur. Suka aja ngeliatnya. Karena kan sebenernya gue paling gak bisa difoto gitu, karena gue cuman punya 1 senyum kalo kata orang-orang. Plus gue malu gitu kalo foto diliatin orang. Ternyata, pas kemaren ngeliat sekilas sih yaa cukup puas deh. Sekarang lagi harap-harap cemas menunggu semua raw file dikirim. Kalo untuk foto studio sih udah, tapi yang outdoornya belum. Semogaaa bagus hasilnya, terutama hasil editannya yang buat di gedung nanti.

Sesi persiapan foto dimulai dari jam setengah 5 dimana Mas Nuke udah dateng ke rumah gue, dan siap untuk "permak" muka dan rambut. Well, I must say he's damn good!!! Make up-nya aluus, shadingnya okeehh, keliatan banget deh bedanya pipi gue sebelom dan sesudah di shading. Totalitas juga deh, setiap sebelom dan di tengah-tengah foto pasti di touch up. (Mungkin emang semua kayak gini yah, tapi kan ya saya nggak tau, maklum deh belom pernah difoto-foto gitu hehehe). Sekitar jam 7-an sesi foto dimulai. Langsung ketemu sama Timur Angin di lokasi foto outdoor. Lalu sekitar jam setengah 1-an pindah ke studio Mas Timur, seluruh sesi foto selesai sekitar jam setengah 6, dan rasanya super capeeeeeeeeeek (sampe sekarang!!).

Baiklah, nanti setelah acara pernikahan selesai baru gue pasang ya foto-foto preweddingnya. So excited to see the results!!

Ini dia bukti kecanggihan Nuke Galdira,

Hasil PERMAK Nuke
Note: keduanya diambil pake kamera BB
Alhasil, disangka orang-orang sayah kurusaan. Padahal, BORO-BORO! Mampus deh maaak, kalo nanti ngeliat aslinya.....

Foto : Timur Angin
MUA : Nuke Galdira

Monday, January 2, 2012

My wedding excitements

There are four things that make me super excited about the wedding: Kebaya(s), Honeymoon, Seserahan, and Treatment.
  • Kebaya(s)
When I say super-excited means I am willing to go here and there (either for real or browse here and there :D), to find the most "sreg" one. For Ceremony, I fell in love at the first time with Poppy Karim's kebaya sulam gim. But to make it objective, I was going to compare 3 vendors (read: find the cheaper). Unfortunately, Poppy Karim was the first designer I met, and I really didnt want to think anymore back then. So, Poppy Karim it is. For Akad, this was more "niat". I went to see several vendor/designer: Lace Butik, Yasra, Myrna Myura, and Resnha. Finally, my kebaya for akad will be made by: Poppy Karim. Hahaha! But, to be honest I was almost seal the deal with Resnha, but Mba Poppy gave me a really good deal, who can refuse? For the compensation for myself (as I was already very "sreg" with Resnha), I insisted my mom to make her kebaya akad there. At first she doubted it, but I ensured that his work are good, and lots of people make their kebaya in Resnha too. When she finally met Resnha, I think she was "sreg" too. So she decided to make another kebaya(s) for midodareni and siraman, there. And so did I. I made all my other kebaya(s) there, include my clothes for Pengajian, too :)
That's how excited I am about the kebaya(s). And later after all is over, I think I'm gonna miss these activities. Freak? Call me so :)
  • Honeymoon
Yeah, after contemplating finding the destination for honeymoon, with the bold note to self ANYWHERE BUT BALI, finally it's decided. BALI. Don't laugh! I guess the saying of "don't refuse too hard, at the end you'll be ended up by that thing" is somewhat true. But hell, I dont care. I chose Bali based on some thoughts too (of course!). First, I want to spend more than 5 days for honeymoon. Second, I dont want to travel a lot, or exploring places kind of stuff. Third, I want to stay in a nice place. Fourth, I dont want to get bored either. Based on those statements above, I guess Bali could cover all. And still on budget, of course. So the plan is to stay 8 days 7 nights there, and we're going to stay at 4 places: Tj Benoa/Nusa Dua (Royal Santrian), Ubud (Royal Pita Maha), Seminyak (Anantara), and Ungasan (Banyan Tree Ungasan), 2 nights each except for Ungasan only for 1 night. Why? Because it's quite far, and we're not going to go anywhere while we stay there. So only for the whole day in-villa, I guess 1 night is enough. The hotel is not fixed yet, though. Depends on the ability and availability of me browsing more hotels, and approval of the BF of course. Oh, and return ticket will be provided by my besties as our wedding gift (mudah-mudahan beneran jadi, aamiin).
  • Seserahan
I think no need to explain why I am excited about these stuffs. Who doesn't like to shop and free??
  • Treatment
I always like to be massaged and enjoying the ambiance of spa places. It feels so relaxing. I did my treatment at Martha Tilaar Pondok Indah, as recommended by few friends. Location is not far from home, no traffic, the place itself is nice, clean, and relaxing. But unfortunately time is the limitation. Since it took quite a long time (around 120-150mins), I could only do in weekends. But again, weekends are quite hectic too, with all of wedding preparation, and another activities too. So far, I only managed to have the full body treatment three times. Well, as for January I am planning to visit there once a week, hope it will be accomplished.